Jan 2, 2012

And off we go again!

My vacation in New York is quickly coming to an end and the time for breakfast pancakes is officially over. I have seen a lot of fun things, some sad things and an incredible amount of impressive things. From the humbleness at 9/11 memorial, to the serenity of Central Park, to the breath taking New York skyline, to the raw beauty of the streets of Brooklyn, to the neon lights at Time Square. I am in awe of this buzzing and dazzling city.

Breathtaking view from Rockefeller Center
But tonight I leave for a different place entirely, to a place with a different kind of buzz and dazzle. I’m thinking I will like this place too, but I’m also feeling anxiety of leaving to an unknown place with people I don’t know, with a culture I might not understand. On top of this anxiety, however, is the high of leaving for an unknown place with people I don’t know, with a culture I might not understand. It’s a new year, a new city, new country, new culture and, probably, some new diseases. So heads up everybody, for my next update will be from Delhi, India! See ya!

Pics from last days in NY
Pinguin shopping :)
Pinguin shopping!

Stunning view from Rockefeller Center

Central Park

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